If you have Technical Expertise


Popular Technical : Painter, Welder, Electrician, Engineer, etc

If you have Technical Expertise


Popular Technical : Painter, Welder, Electrician, Engineer, etc

About ES Inc.

We have secured online-based video education systems and operational know-how, and we have secured licensing contracts in recognition of our reliability by signing partnerships with leading domestic companies.
Based on this, Korean language education contents and video education for foreigners are provided at the same time
We are also expanding our business in the development and supply of foreign workers.

Analyze each company’s needs accurately Build and commission the best training system Foreign workforce supply and workforce training that companies need Providing services that satisfy both businesses and foreign workers

Management of Technical Candidates with 3 Easy Step

Easy and fast way to find a job that suits you

  • 01 Register a candidate’s resume
  • 02 Explore over thousands of resumes
  • 03 Register various certificates

Recruitment and Management of
Technical Candidates

Candidates Search

Recruitment of Overseas Technical Candidates

Candidates Recruitment

Checking and recruiting professional candidates

Candidates Training

Korean Language Education for Technical Candidates

Support for Korean language
Education Services
According to occupation

Study the curriculum required by Korean companies.
You can study professional courses and job courses.


You can prepare with vocabulary, problem solving, and dialogue provided before class, Conduct classes with Korean teachers at any time you want.


Training on soft skills, knowledge and expertise, foreign languages and test preparation allows you to connect and access them in a variety of ways.


You can conveniently check the Korean proficiency test online.