Candidates Resume

Korean English Vietnam

추천대상자 이력서

NAME (EN) GENDER Nationality
Date of birth Passport number
Local address Phone number
E-Mail Mobile phone number
Educational background School name Degree
Major The year of graduation year
KOREA CONSULAR AUTHENTICATION Certificate of Graduation Certificate of Experience
Qualification Qualification type Accident status Crime status
Work experience within the last 5 years Work experience 1 Company name Nationality
The industry Position
The term of office
Work experience 2 Company name Nationality
The industry Position
The term of office
Work experience 3 Company name Nationality
The industry Position
The term of office
the length of employment Visa Code
Scheduled task Position
Scheduled work area

The above matters are no different from the facts, and if the above facts are false or false in the future, I will not object to any measures.